The Reluctant Country Girl

Howdy there, folks. My name is Laurie and I am by no means a country girl. I love the bright-shining lights of a big city, the smell of freshly delivered clothes to Macy’s first floor women’s section, the option to choose from the finest, award winning chefs newest masterpiece, or a $4 greasy, perfect taco stand taco. All of these wonderful pleasures were quickly given up the moment I met the man of my dreams, and moved far East Texas to a little town called Huntington. I am also by NO MEANS a blogger. BUT, I love fashion, DIY’s and just sharing my trails, tribulations and triumphs with the world, so……this is where my story starts. I will warn you, there will be mud, there will be mistakes and there will be a lot of malfunctions, but there will also tons of laughs and love. 

XOXO – Laurie