Easter Decor 2020

Decorating for Easter this year(2020) was really something….how to say…..different. Starting very early in the year, a virus started to spread over our world. COVID – 19 started to sweep through the continents quickly and by April, much of the world was on lock down to reduce/stop the spread of the virus. Zoom into our small town here in East, Texas we followed suite and went into a strict lock down. My small family of 3 had been quarantined in our house for several weeks by the time Easter came around. With this being said, I did not have the luxury of leaving the house to find new decor; SO I was forced to recycle and reuse some old looks and styles that we had stored around the house.

For the outside porch, I kept it very simple. I used an Easter wreath from last year (purchased at Hobby Lobby.) I used some crates on both sides for stacked levels. I always try to have varying heights when setting up decor. On the right, I used a collection of rabbits I had from last year (mostly purchased from Hobby Lobby again) and on the left, a lantern I bought this year from Target and a basket I swiped from inside the house (actually something in Jordan’s toy kitchen, ooops). I used some decor eggs I had from last year and placed them in a few spots. It was very simple, but came together great!

Now, for the inside of the house I typically only decorate a few spots. The dinning area and around our fireplace. Our home is fairly small, and I am not a fan of clutter. SO, for most holidays I only decorate a few spots. In our dinning room, I decorated the top of the liquor cabinet with a custom sign found at Target. These can be found tons of other spots and they are super cute and inexpensive. I simply wrote, “He is Risen” to celebrate our Savior, added a few home decor pieces and was all set! For the dinning table, I used a tray found at Hobby Lobby and filled it up with some greenery and some decoration eggs. I LOVE candles so I placed a candle inside and a little metal photo frame with a cross inside. Like I said, I kept it very simple this year, no fuss-no muss. Finally for the fireplace, I used an Easter banner found at Target that I had cut into 2 strands. It was too long for my mantle as is and I strung it across an old window frame we had in storage. I added some more pieces from my rabbit collection (most bought at Hobby Lobby) and a faux thistle garland (found at Target). Put a candle holder and a candle up (of course) and was in love with the final look.

Although, Easter 2020 was not something filled with tons of people, places or gatherings; it was still a wonderfully blessed day. Our small family of three enjoyed each others company, talked, played and simply enjoyed all the blessing that our savior has given us. It was truly a blessed day.

XOXO – Laurie

Links to Purchase Items: Hobby Lobby does not have an online store, so a good alternative to find the decor is Target, Walmart or Amazon.