June Best Sellers

Ok, it is safe to say THIS is my favorite blog post, by far.

Silly, I know, but remember I just started this whole blog/affiliate/Instagram Influencer thingy – so I have never had a chance to do a “Best Seller” post; before NOW!! Last month I found some great Amazon items, that friends and family really enjoyed too. Let me show you some of the best-selling items! (If you like any, just click on the picture for a direct link. I am an Affiliate seller for Amazon so I will receive a small commission on any items purchased from the link. To read more about the program, click here)

The first, by FAR, is the cutest cup and one of my best sellers! I originally got one to drink my evening wine with Charlie, but I have since bought a few more because I end up using it all throughout the day! They have tons of colors and I love that it is really durable and freezable. The only downside for some is the size, possibly. It only comes in a 8.5 oz, but I normally don’t drink (any beverage) super-fast, so the size is just right for me.

The next few items are a couple of GREAT summer staples. It is a must to have a sun hat, especially in this Texas heat. We all know now how important it is to take care of our skin, especially our face and having a hat is one of the easiest ways I have found. These two hats have traveled with me this summer (although not many places or very far thanks to COVID) and have been amazing! One is a fedora style, that comes in many colors and is very sturdy. The other is a roll up sun hat that has an open top (a great option for gals with tons of crazy hair, like me). They also have many colors to choose from with this hat.

The last item is a great summer beach or pool bag. I found this on Amazon recently and I absolutely love it. It is the best size for someone like me who brings EVERYTHING to the pool and/or beach, and, most importantly, it zips up! I will pause for shock and awe.

Most of my beach bags don’t have a zip, so I was super pumped to find this one.

The last item is a great summer beach or pool bag. I found this on Amazon recently and I absolutely love it. It is the best size for someone like me who brings EVERYTHING to the pool and/or beach, and, most importantly, it zips up! I will pause for shock and awe.

Most of my beach bags don’t have a zip, so I was super pumped to find this one.

XOXO – Laurie

Easter Decor 2020

Decorating for Easter this year(2020) was really something….how to say…..different. Starting very early in the year, a virus started to spread over our world. COVID – 19 started to sweep through the continents quickly and by April, much of the world was on lock down to help/stop the spread of the virus. Zoom into our small town here in East, Texas we followed suite and went into a strict lock down. My small family of 3 had been quarantined in our house for several weeks by the time Easter came around. With this being said, I did not have the luxury of leaving the house to find new decor; SO I was forced to recycle and reuse some old looks and styles that we had stored around the house.

For the outside porch, I kept it very simple. I used an Easter wreath from last year (purchased at Hobby Lobby. I used some crates on both sides for stacked levels. I always try to have varying heights when setting up decor. On the right, I used a collection of rabbits I had from last year (mostly purchased from Hobby Lobby again) and on the left, a lantern I bought this year from Target and a basket I swiped from inside the house (actually something in Jordan’s toy kitchen, ooops). I used some decor eggs I had from last year and placed them in a few spots. It was very simple, but came together great!

Now, for the inside of the house I typically only decorate a few spots. The dinning area and around our fireplace. Our home is fairly small, and I am not a fan of clutter, SO for most holidays I only decorate a few spots. In our dinning room, I decorated the top of the liquor cabinet with a custom sign found at Target. These can be found tons of other spots and they are super cute and inexpensive. I simply wrote, “He is Risen” to celebrate our Savior, added a few home decor pieces and was all set! For the dinning table, I used a tray found at Hobby Lobby and filled it up with some greenery and some decoration eggs. I LOVE candles so I placed a candle inside and a little metal photo frame with a cross inside. Like I said, I kept it very simple this year, no fuss-no muss. Finally for the fireplace, I used an Easter banner found at Target that I had cut into 2 strands. It was too long for my mantle as is and I strung it across an old window frame we had in storage. I added some more pieces from my rabbit collection (most bought at Hobby Lobby) and a faux thistle garland (found at Target). Put a candle holder and a candle up (of course) and was in love with the final look.

Although, Easter 2020 was not something filled with tons of people, places or gatherings; it was still a wonderfully blessed day. Our small family of three enjoyed each others company, talked, played and simply enjoyed all the blessing that our savior has given us. It was truly a blessed day.

Links to Purchase Items