Sight Word Fun

I never thought teaching my 4 year old would be challenging, but spoiler alert, IT IS. 

Sadly, I might have given myself too much credit, because I myself am a teacher. I teach 5th grade, reading, and ELA. I honestly figured teaching a four-year-old would be a piece of cake.  NO main idea, NO point of view, NO “What do you think the author thinks” mumbo-jumbo. 

This is an error that quickly came to light, and as the 3rd week of homeschooling rolled around, I quickly realized just how much of a savior my son’s Pre-K 3 teacher is.

By the 3rd week, the excitement and novelty of “mom teaching me” began to wear off and my very active, four year old could not sit still for a good 15 minutes of my fabulous teaching.  So, of course, I went to Google (after a few tears, a few select words and a couple of drinks of wine). I started looking for “high-activity” lessons with sight words and came across two genius ideas.

To get the first activity going on in your home, all you need are a few supplies: some sidewalk chalk, a water gun and of course some water. You will also need to have sight words or numbers that your little nugget needs to work on. Once you have all of those things, it is as simple as writing the words or numbers on the ground and then making a game out of it! For Jordan, he loves to see how fast he can go so it was a game of speed and accuracy. I would say “Go!”, and he would try to squirt the number I called out as quickly as he could. HE LOVED IT! Check out the video below.↓

Play Video

For the second activity, you just need to decide on your numbers or sight words to work on, some note cards and a big (or small, depending on what your kiddo can handle well) ball. I wrote the words on the cards and taped them to a wall outside and just like the numbers, we made a speed game out of it. He had to throw the ball at the word as fast and as accurately as he could. Once again, HE LOVED IT!! Check it out below.↓

Play Video

If you need help finding supplies, use the links below! Any of these items can be found many places, but I used Target, Amazon and Walmart.

XOXO – Laurie