Sunscreen Check

Ok, so for most states, May does not mean “hot”; but here in the great state of Texas, it DOES! And with hot seasons, comes the sun, and more importantly, skin care. So, I wanted to share some knowledge on sunscreen before it gets, “hot-hot” and sunburns start to happen. Now, all the information I gathered was simply found online from some reliable sources, so these are just some friendly tips and suggestions ( i.e., don’t think I am speaking from a medical viewpoint, AT ALL!)

After doing some research online, I found out that sunscreen does in fact “go bad” or expire according to the FDA. Luckily, MOST sunscreen bottles have an expiration date placed somewhere on the bottle. If you don’t see an expiration date, you can assume that it has an expiration date of 3 years from date of purchase (this is required by FDA). Now, if you did not write the date of purchase on a bottle of sunscreen (um, me) and have no idea how old it is (um, also me) then it is a good idea to not use it. The ingredients inside could no longer be active, which means NO PROTECTION. The FDA suggests to get new sunscreen protection every season, unless you have expiration dates that you can go by.

So, after going through the plethora of half used sunscreen bottles we had acquired, I was able to get it down to just the bottles that had expiration dates, or bottles brand new. For the brand new bottles, I went ahead and wrote the purchase date on the bottle, just for safe measure for next year. Remember where you are storing your sunscreen as well. If it is outside or in a hot area, this might affect the expiration date and the effectiveness of the sunscreen. The FDA also reminds us sun lovers, to use PLENTY of sunscreen when applying and remember to reapply OFTEN!!

Now, yall have fun in the sun and take care of that skin!!

Our sunscreen basket before.
Our sunscreen basket after.
New sunscreen for the season.

XOXO – Laurie

(Any links provided are just a suggestion. I am not associated nor do not receive any compensation from any of these companies.)

Links to Purchase Items: I normally get sun care from Target or Walmart so that I can check expiration dates.